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For the longest time, I, Nikki ( founder of Athol Orchards) have struggled over the years with how to possibly describe the pride I take in being a holistic orchardist. Tending to an orchard is a long term committment, nothing like a seasonal garden. It's a trusted  relationship you establish with the trees you plant - the work in strenghtening this bond never ceases. It's a long game, a humble investment in not only the trees, but in yourself. 

The committment comes with the promise that if you steward the land, feed it, give it life, it will in turn provide for you for beyond a lifetime. We don't plant apple trees for ourselves. We plant them for those who will come long after we have left this blessed Earth. Our children, their children, neighbors, friends, curious passersby who crave the simplicity, sweetness, and nostaliga that can only be gifted by an apple. 


Apples are the truest form of a perfect food in my humble opinion. The list of healthful benefits is vast, especially when they are grown in a natural, holistic manner void of poisons, toxins, and elements that are designed to destroy life. 


If you wish to support apple growers like me, or someday aspire to steward your own orchard, this shirt is for you. We are applethecaries. Yes I coined this term myself, and the design as well as the definition of the term on the back of the t shirt is my design alone.


Furthermore, I wish to note that the farther away society strays from clean local food, the tighter the grip of FDA and pharmaceutical companies become. By growing local food right here where we live, we don't have to accept that for our health and that of our families and friends. Support us and join me! Plant an orchard, grow food, and don this shirt proudly to let people know where you stand!

Official Applethecary White & Gold T-Shirt

Description Color: Black Definition
  • These Tees are a 100% pre-shrunk "heavy cotton", classic fit, and suitable for both ladies and gents! 

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